Tuesday, July 2, 2024

We Cannot Unsee What We Saw


Me again and so soon! 

This is when my blog functions more like a journal. 

When I am raging with despair during a second Trump administration I want to know I at least made some small effort for a different outcome. Within the first minute of the debate last week I could tell something was seriously wrong with the president. He didn`t seem sick or tired, he seemed disoriented. On arguably, the most important night of his political career. We all saw it. It wasn`t a bad night, the president has quickly declined. Or now it is impossible to ignore. I`ve read every political analysis I can find since last Thursday and have been hoping the leaders within the Democratic party would call for him to step down. Silence. So I wrote my two senators and asked them to be courageous. More silence. So I asked the president myself this afternoon.  I filled out a form from the White House website. My feeble hope is that if enough Democrats ask him to withdraw, he will. Of course none of this gives me any pleasure or satisfaction. A week ago I didn`t care if he was bedridden, I was voting for his judgement. And I was pretty certain he would win. Who can forget the daily antics and chaos of the Trump administration? It was horrible waking every day and wondering what new cruelty or stupidity did he inflict today? If Biden remains the nominee, it will be proof that both political parties have become cults of personality and a whole lot of citizens simply won`t vote. Biden himself will be the foremost issue if he remains in the running. Not the supreme court, reproductive rights, the burning planet, Ukraine, migration, the Palestinians or Israel, the economy or social justice. 

Many regular Democrats like myself will not agree with my viewpoint but I urge them to give this more thought. Instead of seeing this as a major calamity, I feel it`s actually a blessing because of the timing. Though it won`t be easy, there is time to do something about it at the convention. But first the president must be persuaded that his chances are remote, his health not robust enough for such a role as leader of the free world. He has been a surprisingly effective leader in a bitterly divided country. His legacy is assured if he leaves before he is defeated. My gut is screaming that this is obvious. He no longer has predictable mental faculties. Through no fault of his own, time has caught up with him. Now, there is an opportunity to find another talented candidate. The process of figuring out who it will be would electrify the country. Voters have been saying for years they don`t want those same two choices. Someone younger with good ideas would be listened to intently. And now that the supreme court has made the presidency more like a monarchy, King Trump is exactly the nightmare you can imagine. He is already suggesting military tribunals for Mitch McConnell and Liz Cheney. It goes without saying that a second Trump administration is entirely unacceptable. Our one and only broken world would suffer irreparable damage. If you agree, please make your own tiny voice heard. We have to try.  If there are enough of us, we maybe can save our country. 


Donna Thibodeau said...

Read about Gish Gallup. It is a type of speech that Trump used during the debate that is very difficult for a stutterer to tolerate. Trump was asked about childcare and he talked about the border. Biden wanted to talk about childcare, but wanted to challenge Trumps lies at the same time and became paralyzed with confusion. People who stutter do much better at reading than speaking. Biden usually has a Teleprompter to help him read along with his comments. Who came up with that idea not to have notes was a bad one for Biden. It did not bother Trump because he would not have come with notes and would’ve just lied his way through as he did. There is such a low bar for Trump that he can be declared winner of the debate after 30 lies and not answering any questions on policy. There was a higher bar for Biden and he disappointed so everyone is ready to throw him under the bus. I am shocked at Democrats reaction. There is a recent poll saying 40% of the people that voted for Biden have doubts. Well that leaves 60% that does not have doubts. I don’t have a doubt that he can do a great job and I’m sure that he has many issues that he would like to continue working on. If he dies in office, then he has a Vice President. People say they don’t like Harris but when JFK died they did not like Johnson. London B Johnson did many wonderful things for our country. I think, changing candidates at this late date in the Democratic Party would cause massive confusion and many would not vote at all. I think many Democrats will stand behind Biden based on his record and not a 90 minute debate and vote for him. Look at the alternative. People are smart and have eyes. Maybe they didn’t like what they saw of Biden at the debate, but Trump was putting on a show that everyone saw too.

Anonymous said...

I certainly understand what you are saying. I am not there yet but I am terrified.

BlueHwyGal said...

Thank you.I feel your/our/THE pain, but I am not terrified. I am confident that a Democrat will be victorious in November. There is a widespread but quiet disgust with DJT throughout the country, it is making itself evident through all of the midterm (and “issue”) elections.
If you are not already aware of the broadcast/writings of Robert Hubbell and Simon Rosenberg, find them and subscribe.
One of the issues facing the Party is the fact that the money that has been raised for the Biden campaign so far (almost $300m) CANNOT be transferred to anyone other than individuals on the ticket. That means that Harris is the only choice. Fortunately, she polls best against DJT than any of the other “surrogates.”
Another issue is the delegates who are already committed to vote for Biden at the convention, but that can be sorted through a brokered convention.
Agree with you about the fact that this is fortunate that it is happening so early, so there is time to do a course correction. I do believe that Joe had a bad night, that he was so serious about the importance of the debate, and had so many facts he wanted to convey, that it jammed him up. The Gish gallop made things worse. He is not done, he has still have plenty of gas in his tank, but the damage may be irreparable. Time will tell, but fortunately, we have it (for a while). Worry less, do more…

Anonymous said...

I also left a message with President Biden to step down. If you love America, including the rule of law and all citizen's rights, leave your own messege with the White House.

RH Carpenter said...

I don’t think Biden stepping down is the answer. I truly do not think there is anyone in the wings Dems can get behind at this stage. I like the comment from Donna Thibodeau on the tactics used by Trump and I am so ashamed of the network media who are getting behind trashing Biden’s performance and not saying a damned thing about all the lies told by Trump and how he never answered many of the big questions put to him - this was not a debate. Biden will blow his orange hair off in the next one (and remember, this 81-year-old president had done some heavy traveling to Europe and back twice recently…and I think his team did not prepare him as well as they could). Do I want a choice between an 81-year-old man and a 78-year-old whatever? No. But stay the course, my friend. We cannot allow ourselves to fall into the “Biden is too old” trap - keep in your mind what we are fighting here = pure evil. This will be the last Independence Day we have if this thing gets elected.

Anonymous said...

One thought I have is how DELIGHTED Trumpsters would be if we did force Biden to step down. Our choices here are Insanity vs. Democracy.