Thursday, September 16, 2010

Burned Saplings

When we were walking on the old Columbia River Scenic Highway, now bike path last week, we saw evidence of a recent fire. In one area, a whole forest of small saplings were burnt into stillness. They probably began as new growth after a previous fire. As much as I understand science and nature, it`s still sad to see new life cut short.
The informative website for artists, Empty Easel, ran a nice profile of me yesterday!


  1. I love the graphic look of this. Sorry to see beauty from fire, though

  2. I saw the piece about your art on Empty Easel and thought it was a good introduction to your work. It was nice to see it and think OH, I know him!

    I see beauty in all kinds of things that are often considered quite ugly by the general population . I love this piece for its graphic nature and the hope that the mark making at the top gives me.

  3. Congratulations on the profile.

    I agree with SamArtDog and Margaret about the graphic aspect. It sounds odd, perhaps, to say that something destroyed looks beautiful but indeed beauty is in this image of "a whole forest of small saplings... burnt into stillness" (the description you've used is poetic).

  4. Very nice write-up, Randall. Congratulations.

  5. This painting is just lovely. The grey/mauve background is so soft in contrast with the burnt trees.

  6. Yes, I saw the your art on Empty Easel....very nice. This is a very moving piece you show here...

  7. Sad as this beauty is there is beauty in this piece - it's a great work. I hope the area recovers over time from the fire.

  8. Love this one, and it's also a propos considering all the fires we had lately.

  9. P.S. I really really love Burnt Saplings and A Corner of the Park. I wonder if you would be interested in a paintings trade??
