Monday, November 21, 2011

Creek Shadow Autumn

This was my demonstration painting for the watermedia class I`m teaching this month. The bottom photo was where it stood after one session. The second, was what it became in the next. I then finished it in my studio. I had been preaching the importance of painting from memory. The evening before the class, I was hiking around Mt. Talbert at dusk. It was too dark for photos so I was just enjoying the fading light with the maples blazing orange all around me. So when I began the demonstration, I had strong impressions from my walk. As I worked I really thought I was in trouble, it was very black. But, because I was using Yupo, its brilliant white surface shown through each dark layer and gave it the murky glow I had remembered.


  1. Always enjoy seeing your process photos!

    Have a lovely Thanksgiving.

  2. What atmosphere you created...what a place....geeez,,,,love seeing the process too. Happy TG in America.
    Enjoy your bird:)

  3. Great one!
    So you have a regular jog, paint and do workshops? How do you balance it all?
