Sunday, August 17, 2014

The New Spring Forest

                                        watercolor on Yupo 24x18

He said "put it away and leave it alone!"
I thought, if I`m lucky enough to be advised by Bob Lafond, I should do what he says! So I did, until the past week.
I`m not sure whether my intention is coloring my judgement, but it looks to me like the budding/about to burst forests I was so inspired by last Spring during my month on the coast.

I`ll be taking part in the Portland Open Studios again this year. Please come introduce yourself. Like last year, I will be demonstrating every day at noon. Oct. 11 and 12 & Oct. 18 and 19

I will also be painting on location at the Villa Catalana Cellars in Oregon City next Sat. evening Aug. 23 as part of the entertainment. There will be other artists as well plus a jazz trio and catered food all in a huge gorgeous garden. Talk to me while I paint!
Tickets are $10.

work for sale in my studio


  1. You're making me want to try Yupo. So wish I could see you work but I'm on a barrier island on the other coast. Wishing you much success with the event.

  2. Here we are on the tail end of summer and you're making us remember the beautiful soft colors of spring :) Best of luck on the open studio - I could not paint in front of others, just could not. Maybe in another few years? Wait! I do paint in front of others - just my few beginner students, though. But strangers?'re a brave man!
