Sunday, August 7, 2011

Tillamook Head

And another daily.
A view of the mountain from the beach at Seaside.


Jo Reimer said...

I love how you painted the shadows on Tillamook Head... lots of darkish colors reads 'shadow'. And those incredible pink clouds! and pink sand. It feels like a hot, glorious day... not today, for sure!

RH Carpenter said...

I want to walk into this painting and live there - what gorgeous colors and what a great feeling to the scene - very inviting and warm and still calming. You have an amazing choice of palette colors and you know how to use them so well, it's always a joy to see what you're creating next!

Carrie Waller Watercolors said...

I was just introduced to your work via Rhonda Carpenter's blog. How have I not seen it before! Absolutely stunning!!