Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The New Era

                                             Rainforest Walk watercolor collage 12x20 inches

This painting could have gone several ways; further development in watercolor, introduction of acrylics or use what`s there as a basis for collage. I chose collage because the representative from Art2life, Marji Thompson, was intrigued by them. She asked me in the fall if I was willing to be interviewed or videoed for their program. I have nothing but respect for what their doing. They are in the encouragement-inspiration business. Many people are not able to choose a life of art making, usually because of kids or other work. That unexplored impulse becomes a yearning that does not leave. Art2life tries to lift these early artists into excitement and productivity. The founder, Nick Wilton, still does near daily little lessons on Instagram focusing on one visual concern at a time. He`s  patient and generous. And he still does them even after creating a large, self supporting educational institution. For free. Art2life has a Youtube channel filled with interviews, podcasts and lessons. Also for free. Now if one wants to accelerate their learning, there is also instruction that can be purchased. I know several artists who have and their new work had a distinctive confidence. All this is to say when they asked me to make a video with them, I was flattered. When the editing is finally finished, I will post it here. The content is a demonstration of my watermedia techniques on the plastic 'paper' called Yupo as well as some conversation regarding the collages I`ve been making in recent years.

Below are some watercolors I did for practice both on and off camera;

                                Eastern Washington Landscape watercolor on Yupo 26x20 inches

                                                   Arroyo watercolor on Yupo 26x20 inches

                                  Moonlight Over the Ocean watermedia on Yupo 23x35 inches

                                          Corner of Summer watercolor on Yupo 8x8 inches

                                                  Rainier 2 watercolor on Yupo 20x14 inches

this last one is the actual demo painting;

                                          January Wetland watermedia on Yupo 20x14 inches

You may be pleased to read that I have no remarks of a political nature right now. Just tell me where and when to man the barricade, I`ll be there.


Gutai is the embodiment of the interaction between spirit and matter, a respectful 'dance' so to speak. This movement began in mid-50s Japan and shares a spontaneity with American abstract expressionist 'action painting'. Two of its painters interest me in particular.
Kazuo Shiraga is best known for using his whole body as a tool of expression. Most of the work has an explosive rhythm.

                                                                    Kazuo Shiraga

                                                                    Kazuo Shiraga

                                                                   Kazuo Shiraga

                                                                     Shiraga painting

The other is Sadamasa Motonaga

                                                               Sadamasa Motonaga

                                                             Sadamasa Motonaga

                                                               Sadamasa Motonaga

                                                                Sadamasa Motonaga

                                                                Amanda Gorman

The young poet Amanda Gorman, a resident of Pacific Palisades, recites her poem about the recent fires in this newscast. [she speaks after the news people introduce her] There is something remarkable about being comforted by such a young person. She is a natural leader.
I haven`t lived in California in over 50 years yet those fires felt oddly personal. Like something integral to who I am was being attacked. My younger brother, also living in the Northwest, felt the same way. 

This is the 24 Solar Terms poster by Bright Woo and is one of the most beautiful pieces of graphic art I`ve ever seen. All that I want, dream about and love of color is here. Without really knowing what it was, it just got richer; Each rectangle is based on a Chinese character that describes a specific agricultural-meteorlogical moment of the year. Those 24 important milestones are described here.

And a couple more recent collages;

                                                   Northwest Canyon collage 17x12 inches

                                              'An Introduction' watercolor collage 12x9 inches

                                                       the child David Lynch in Montana

                                                                           David Lynch

                                                                      David Lynch

                                                                           David Lynch

 The painter and film maker David Lynch, died at the best possible moment. Just as America took a discouraging hard right turn and inaugurated a con man for the 2nd[!!!] time, we were gifted with one lovely tribute to David Lynch after another. The counterpoint was so sweet and they just kept coming. He matters to me because Twin Peaks was the most astonishing TV I had ever experienced. Anyone enraptured with it like I was would agree, the music was a huge part of its power.
Here is the composer Angelo Badalamenti describing how he worked with Lynch.

Not tomorrow[2-13-2025] during the predicted ice storm, but soon! Drive into the magnificent Columbia River Gorge and drive to Stevenson WA and onto the grand Columbia Gorge Museum. Inside among a great many fascinating artifacts of local history, you will come upon the transcendent paintings of Genevieve Scholl. This body of work is a loving look at the Hoh Rainforest. I watched her paintings progress on Instagram but I was still surprised by their luminosity, precise color and unique composition.
Trust me, it is always a good idea to visit the gorge, it never disappoints. And this exhibit is a jewel.
 Up until March 30;


                                               Jane Goodall [91] and David Attenborough [98]

They live! This is such a hopeful photo

Don`t let #47 steal your joy. To hell with him and his idiot followers
Let Leonard Cohen soothe you in this song sung by the Lumineers

Click HERE for work for sale in my studio


Anonymous said...

Thank you for you message this morning. Inspiring and uplifting in these dark times. I love your Yupo paintings and am curious about collage on Yupo. I love Yupo and don't like acrylics so not sure how that would work with watercolor. Again, thank you. Stay safe and warm during our 2025 Snowmegadon!

Becki_H said...

Thank you for an inspiring and uplifting post in these dark times. I love painting on Yupo but don't like acrylics. Not sure how collage would work on Yupo with watercolor. Guess there is only one way to find out, right? Stay safe and warm during our 2025 Snowmegadon!