The last painting of my stay here, I go home tomorrow. What a wonderful place! Because some fellow artists/bloggers have mentioned me recently, I know I have more visitors. And I suspect 99% are artists. If any of you consider yourselves landscape painters, I strongly suggest you apply for a residency here. If you can get away for awhile. It is an ultimate, unmessed with environment, beautiful beyond imagining. I was one of 9 chosen from an applicant pool of 90. I have never heard of such an advantageous ratio. In my exit interview yesterday, I urged them to accept artists who might want to use the surroundings as their subject. The idea of a retreat is great but this place as a source for work should not be minimized. Really, apply!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Low Tide, Edge of the Estuary
The last painting of my stay here, I go home tomorrow. What a wonderful place! Because some fellow artists/bloggers have mentioned me recently, I know I have more visitors. And I suspect 99% are artists. If any of you consider yourselves landscape painters, I strongly suggest you apply for a residency here. If you can get away for awhile. It is an ultimate, unmessed with environment, beautiful beyond imagining. I was one of 9 chosen from an applicant pool of 90. I have never heard of such an advantageous ratio. In my exit interview yesterday, I urged them to accept artists who might want to use the surroundings as their subject. The idea of a retreat is great but this place as a source for work should not be minimized. Really, apply!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Saplings Near the Water
Everything is greening up, early spring I guess. That makes me nervous.
I hope I can complete one more small piece. To help with the drying, I use Winsor Newton alkyd titanium white as well as their Liquin medium to mix with my oil paints. Because I do paint thinly, I usually have a dry surface the next day. I can`t imagine waiting for the paint to dry without them.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Salmon River Estuary
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
North Shore
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Trail through the Winter Thicket
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Coast Stream Study
Never underestimate what a nice person can do. Yesterday Carol Marine praised my work in her blog, today my counter has gone crazy. Two more weeks before the end of this residency. The Big Idea I came here to develop, hasn`t much. I have four long canvases waiting yet everything I want to paint is vertical. This won`t remain unresolved.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Headlands Study
I may be learning laptop skills, such as where to angle the lid/monitor. Possibly picking up on Photoshop too. My pictures I know have been awful as I try to figure it out. This image seems better. It`s a small piece done in between larger efforts.
Meanwhile high wind warnings are in effect. It makes a truly awesome sound coming through all the trees. This morning I had a beautiful run before things got dramatic.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Alders, Meadow, Sky
Friday, February 5, 2010
From Cascade Head
It`s been raining so much my paint isn`t drying. I have three oil paintings in process. Remembering that David Roberts has done interesting work with ink on Yupo, just before leaving the studio last night I gave it a try. One of the reasons I keep trying with this paper is because Sitka accepted me on the basis of my work with Yupo and the project I proposed was to be with Yupo. They don`t care but I was feeling defeated by it and that felt unacceptable. So I did this ink brush drawing today as I waited for the oil paint to set up.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Elk! Nature walk and a new start!

As I left the bathroom this morning I glanced out the window and about 30 elk were grazing by the parking lot. They`re big! Then we were taken on a tour of different ecological zones within the area. I can`t say I`ve ever stood in the rain, on the side of a mountain, with three other people talking about science and literature with everyone happy to be there. I began a long painting based on the landscapes I`m seeing here. I had an obvious revelation that this is exactly what muralists do, create a type of visual narrative. I`ll play with this composition and see how it develops. The look of a mural isn`t quite what I`m after.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
The Last Yupo Watercolor

This is the first watercolor I`ve completed in nine months. On Yupo no less. It`s the Devil`s paper I tell you, Devil Paper!!
I just wanted to paint yesterday after our orientation and buying groceries. Thought I`d give watercolor a new chance. It`s looking like a 40 year relationship may be ending. Why don`t I feel sad?
This afternoon I began one of the long paintings I came here to do. I`ll take some pictures of my progress.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Just an amazing location, wonderful facility [I have my holy grail of simultaneous oil and watermedia areas], super kind and helpful staff, and sweet fellow residents. Soon I hope to have new work to post. I`m also on a Mac for the first time unsupervised. Wish me luck, the webmaster does not arrive until Sunday.
actually this is posted by Randall, not John.
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