Monday, April 10, 2017

New Watermedia and regained mobility!

                                                      Red Landscape wm on paper 9x12

 This was truly a doodle. I found a failed figure drawing, turned it on its side and made her a landscape. Just a goof and sure enough without the pressure to be 'good', something interesting took hold. True red, ink black and cerulean blue, together, are an emotional combination of strength and delicacy.

                                                       Streamside Spring wm on Yupo 14x11

 This had only slightly more intention to it. Since returning to my studio, I`m mostly puttering trying to be being patient with my limited stamina.
Because Cascade Head is protected, the streams that flow off it are pristine and lush. By late Spring the vegetation is wild and vigorous. It`s a party and everyone is drunk on sunshine.

                                                          Endless Winter wm on Yupo 10x8

 A representation of the season which will not depart in the NW. Only last Friday did we have a 'once in every 100 years windstorm'. There was also one last Oct.
This is our weather now, completely unpredictable. The Republican Party owns the country since the election and they don`t believe the atmosphere is heating up. Ignoring it is good for profits.
I wouldn`t say this to a young person but I`m losing confidence in my species. It`s becoming clear human beings could lose their purchase upon the earth. We are stupid enough, just think who the most powerful man in the world is.

 As per my Californian birthright, I am driving again!
Even though I love to walk, I do not feel whole and viable without my wheels.
When I was 15 and a half on May 6 exactly, I got my 6 month learning permit. On my birthday November 6 it would expire. If I failed my driving test that day, I would have to start over. Of course I passed! Then promptly got 3 tickets within the first few months. No matter, I was a teenager in Southern California, I took my place on the freeway.
While my legs have been distressed, John has been driving as well as doing Everything else. It has been difficult being so dependent. So when I hobbled into the grocery store with my cane, alone last week, I was triumphant!

                                                              by Howard Hodgkin

 The legendary British painter Howard Hodgkin died last month. By all accounts he was cranky with a conflicted relationship with painting. His passionate paintings often took years to complete but seem executed in minutes. It is a paradox in painting that an appearance of freshness and spontaneity can be so laborious to achieve.
Here is an excellent video of the artist.

It is six A.M., and I am working. I am absentminded, reckless, heedless of social obligations, etc. It is as it must be. The tire goes flat, the tooth falls out, there will be a hundred meals without mustard. The poem gets written. I have wrestled with the angel and I am stained with light and I have no shame. Neither do I have guilt. My responsibility is not to the ordinary, or the timely. It does not include mustard, or teeth. It does not extend to the lost button, or the beans in the pot. My loyalty is to the inner vision, whenever and howsoever it may arrive. If I have a meeting with you at three o’clock, rejoice if I am late. Rejoice even more if I do not arrive at all.

Mary Oliver, from an essay in Vox Populi, 'The Artist`s Task'


Libby Fife said...


First, all three of those works are lovely and not just because of their individual beauty and sense of place but because you made them which means you are up and at it again! I laughed at hobbling in to the grocery store under your own steam. I know just what you mean!

We are sort of a destructive lot aren't we? I have all sorts of opinions about this kind of thing but suffice to say I have to agree with you on the direction in which we seem to be headed.

Very pleased that you are making small strides towards wholeness:)

Ruth Armitage said...

Hi RT, Beautiful work... sometimes the best things come from just fooling around. I'm glad you're feeling more independent again! Love the Mary Oliver, too.

Maggie Emm said...

Great to hear you're back on your feet again - and with a paint brush in your hand. Your paintings are transporting, and I look forward to more journeys...

RH Carpenter said...

I, too, am enjoying all three of these new paintings. The top one = you are right because that is such a powerful combination of colors!! You, too, are getting stronger everyday and that is great to hear. Driving again :). It would be great if mass transit worked well for those of us not in a major city, but it doesn't, so drive, we do. I used to enjoy driving but now it's like a race to see who can crash the quickest on the highways - but a drive "in the country" is still enjoyable. I am glad you are mending in all ways! And thanks for the information on two very different artists - you always share work from someone unknown to me (not Mary Oliver, but Howard H). Ah, that we all could be wrapped inside our cocoons of creation, caring nothing for the mundane tasks that come our way.

R's Rue said...


Polly Greathouse said...

It is great to hear that your stamina is rolling back in. Your "doodles" continue to inspire me. The Mary Oliver piece is making my day. NO MUSTARD!