As I left the bathroom this morning I glanced out the window and about 30 elk were grazing by the parking lot. They`re big! Then we were taken on a tour of different ecological zones within the area. I can`t say I`ve ever stood in the rain, on the side of a mountain, with three other people talking about science and literature with everyone happy to be there. I began a long painting based on the landscapes I`m seeing here. I had an obvious revelation that this is exactly what muralists do, create a type of visual narrative. I`ll play with this composition and see how it develops. The look of a mural isn`t quite what I`m after.
This may not be what you're after, but it's after you. This is going to be wonderful; keep going! Besides, who says you're only going to do "one long piece"? Let that place show you what you're doing.
Btw, elk is the totem for stamina.
This is an exciting start on your project idea, Randall. I think you're going to enjoy this!
oh this looks so wonderful there.
What a place for inspiration...I cannot wait to see what you create.
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