Friday, November 4, 2016

Shinrin-yoku for real

                                                         Shinrin-yoku 2 oil on canvas 20x20

 One of my pieces in this weekend`s Sitka Invitational at the Forestry Center in Portland. The show is a benefit for the one of the coolest institutions I know of, The Sitka Center for Art and Ecology in Otis OR. Unusual provocative classes in summer, long generous residencies for artists and scholars in winter. Forty years ago, Frank and Jane Boyden had a great idea and they made it a reality. Not many do that, especially in their 20s.
This is a worthy exhibition full of landscapes and nature themed art of an unusually high quality. Give it a look and then take a walk through the arboretum while you`re up there, it`s spectacular right now!

 When I got up at 5 to go to the bathroom, I could see out my window the street lamp was a hazy glowing ball. Fog!! At last!
Just last night I was looking at my photos from autumn 2015 and remembered I wasn`t out and about too much then. This year is different. I set out early for the Tualatin-Durham-Cook`s Park trinity of autumn wonder. Once there I had a long soaking Shrinrin-yoku, a forest bath, and it did me good.
Cold wet fog always reminds me of being a kid, camping with my family on the coast of Northern California or Oregon. We fled the heat of the Inland Empire in summer and drove north. In those foggy state parks we were cool.
Look what I saw this morning;

 Now is a time for faith. Vote, then trust our great country to do the right thing. Breathe deep.

Now we know

work for sale in my studio


Libby Fife said...


I've known for awhile now that abstract art is a difficult thing. Thank goodness they put up that sign.

What gorgeous photos, thank you. What are the yellow fruit looking things?

I grew up with fog of course in the Bay Area. I never appreciated it until now. It's hotter than Hell here and so any kind of relief is welcome. That's what the coast and mountains are for (among other things).

Always wish I was closer to Oregon. The show looks like it would be an experience. Maybe you will write about it?

As always, a good post. Thank you!

Mitch said...

You must be working overtime now to try to capture all that you were experiencing out in that fog! The colors now are soft muted and soft and rich, but the light seems to change so quickly sometimes that it's hard to capture.

You may not realize how helpful you are to everyone by reminding us of upcoming events; I'd seen a couple of weeks ago that the show was coming to the Forestry Center, but then I forgot about it. Thanks!

Ruth Armitage said...

Beautiful painting, as always, and I am salivating thinking of what you'll do with those inspiration photos from this morning! I love the fog too...

Gary L. Everest said...

Hi Randall,
Great painting and wonderfully evocative photos. Living here, your photos and paintings are a delightful way to remember the glories of Oregon. And for full disclosure, let me add, without getting cold or wet. :)
Continuing the theme of honesty...I have no decent excuse for failing to congratulate you and John on your third anniversary Tuesday. Simply failed to check the calendar in time. On a happier note...When I finally did check it, there was your birthday circled for tomorrow! Happy Birthday! And, a day early, no less!
Hope both celebrations were(will be) spectacular.
I'm guessing the best gift you could possibly receive would be a landslide election of Hillary! I can hardly wait to see her orange-haired, pathological liar, tax-evading, sexual predator, racist, loud-mouthed bully of an opponent go down in flames. It'll do a good job of prepping him for his ultimate destination!
Enjoy your Sunday, but don't eat too much cake!

E.M. Corsa said...

So let's start with a Happy Birthday if I read the previous post correctly!

Randall, you were allowed that secret entry into a magical world that only exists for a brief time. Can't wait to see what you do with the inspiration you got.

I cannot believe that sign. Seriously, I simply cannot believe it's real.

Voted last week. Fingers crossed.

RH Carpenter said...

Well, I had a nice post all typed out and it disappeared. So - I'm adding my congratulations for your anniversary and happy birthday wishes, plus thanks for the lovely photos. As for the election, I am sure many of us are just speechless and afraid. So time to dust off our angel wings and be the best human beings we can be because the world is going to be looking at us to show them humanity, intelligence, and resiliency in spite of the unexpected outcome of the election. I refuse to say his name...I just can't do it...
Take care and I hope you celebrated all your personal milestones this week :)